AOL- the grownup kid
Monday, November 06, 2006
ŠŠŠŠFor the last few days I was looking for a nice post n finally to day at this wee hour, I found something and could not stop my self from blogging it.
AOL, which was once so adamant that it was not even offering a free e-mail service..but now it boasts of offering tons of free services which includes:
1. Free e-mail service
2. Free Instant Messaging.
3. Free e-mail with customized domain
4. Local US phone number.
I will describe the 3rd and 4th parameter in detail as the other two are very common.
Free e-mail with customized domain:
An e-mail address has two parts in the form username@domainname. Here the user name you can put according to your wish but domain name is solely provided by the service provider and it is generally the domain name of the service provider's domain. So guess how you will feel when you will be able to customize both the part of an e-mail address according the name you want. Thts exactly what AOL has started offering and it is the first initiative by any service provider. AOL has gone one step forward and started offering not only free e-mail service but you can also customized your e-mail address with a domain name you wish like As it has been started as a promotional base this service is only available in United States. I tried to register here but in order to validate your registration AOL will send a code as SMS to your mobile phone. So if you do not have a US mobile number you will not be able to validate your registration. But dun worry it will be very soon available worldwide.
You may bother to look at the following link:
Please check here for a complete list of FAQ :
- Once you sign-up you can invite upto 100 people to register their e-mail address with your choosen domain.
- Huge online storage of 2 GB.
- Access your email anywhere you can get on the Internet using AOL Webmail (or IMAP access using standard email clients like Microsoft Outlook).
- With your personalized email address, you can login to the AIM® client and send/receive IMs.
- You can customized your domain name with two TLDs (Top Level Domains) viz .com and .net
- Only available in United States.
Local US phone number:
How about having a US phone number at ur possession while U r in India...yeah AOL has made it possible. A personal, local free phone number you can give out to anyone -- complete with always-on voicemail!
This service is known as AIM digit. AIM Digits are part of the FREE AIM Phoneline service. AIM Phoneline gives you a free, local telephone number that comes with always-on voicemail, delivered right to your email box. On top of that, when you're online, it lets you screen and answer calls, using your PC microphone and speakers. It's a completely free Internet Phone Service.
Now I boast of owning a US telephone number while being here in India and you can also be one to have it. Visit the following link to sign-up for a free phone number:
Check List:
I guess this service is again meant for people from United States as during registration it will ask for Zip code and you have to provide a 5 digit valid US zip code.
In the next post I will tell about another great free service from AOL so watch out this space...